Add / Remove shadow effect for Mac screenshots

First of all, you need to open Terminal:

  1. Go to your Applications folder.
  2. Open the Utilities folder.
  3. Open the Terminal application.
  4. Enter the following lines into Terminal depending on what setting you wish to change:

To remove the drop shadow effect
Enter the following line into Terminal and press Enter:
defaults write disable-shadow -bool true

Your screen-shots should now look like this.

Screenshot Example without drop shadow
Screenshot Example without drop shadow

Apply your new settings
Enter the following line into Terminal and press Enter:
killall SystemUIServer

To restore the drop shadow effect
Enter the following line into Terminal and press Enter:
defaults delete disable-shadow

You screenshots will look like this again.

Screenshot Example with drop shadow
Screenshot Example with drop shadow

Apply your new settings
Enter the following line into Terminal and press Enter:
killall SystemUIServer

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