Problem When you Open a file or select Save As from the file menu in Kurzweil 1000 application a message appears saying “Run Time Error 438 – Object Doesn’t Support this Property or Method.” Solution Open Kurzweil. From the top menu, go to Settings -> Configuration. Change the file dialog field from ‘Kurzweil 1000’ to… Continue reading Kurzweil 1000 Run Time Error 438
Tag: Windows
Inspiration freezes when exporting to Word
Problem When you use the Export to Word function in Inspiration, the program freezes. Solution Close Inspiration if it is open. Go to C:\Program Files Move (don’t copy) the Inspiration folder to the desktop. Move the folder back into Program Files. Run Inspiration and all should be working again.
How to keep your Dragon settings
Open Dragon Naturally Speaking. On the Dragon Bar click Naturally Speaking -> Manage Users. Click your user name once. Click Advanced (on the right) and click Export. If you are unable to export, click here. To import your settings later: Open Dragon Naturally Speaking. On the Dragon Bar click Naturally Speaking -> Manage Users. Click… Continue reading How to keep your Dragon settings
Kaspersky 2010 won’t allow Remote Assistance users to change settings
Problem When trying to use a remote assistance program (such as TeamViewer) to change Kaspersky 2010 settings. You are unable to move the mouse inside of that window. Only the local user is able to edit the settings. Solution Only the local user can follow these steps: Open the Kaspersky application. Go to Settings ->… Continue reading Kaspersky 2010 won’t allow Remote Assistance users to change settings
Enable / Disable automatic Pagefile flush at Shutdown
Changes you make in this step may not take affect until you restart the computer. To disable the Pagefile flush: Click Start (Windows XP users should then click Run). Type regedit and press Enter. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management Double click on “ClearPageFileAtShutdown” on right. Change the value to 0. Click OK To enable the Pagefile flush:… Continue reading Enable / Disable automatic Pagefile flush at Shutdown