When opening Adobe Illustrator CS5.5 or Adobe InDesign CS5.5, only the bar is visible at the top. Panels are missing and the Window menu is missing the panels option (see image). Also, when updating it states an error saying that the path cannot be found.

The Illustrator or InDesign .app file was moved from the Applications folder.

When you first attempt to open Illustrator or InDesign this pop-up will appear if you moved it from the correct folder.

- Ctrl + click (or right click) on the item in the dock. Then click “Options” then “Show in Finder” to locate the item.
- Drag it back to the correct parent folder, this will restore all menus and allow you to update the product correctly.
- For Illustrator, move back to /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.5
(folder name may vary depending on your version) - For InDesign, move back to /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5
(folder name may vary depending on your version)
Thank you!
Thank you, that was a quick fix that didn’t require a re-installation of software!
Thank you. Thank you so so so so much. I wasted hours trying to fix this yesterday!